How brutal was the Iraq War?

How brutal was the Iraq War? In total, the war caused at least one hundred thousand civilian deaths, as well as tens of thousands of military deaths (see estimates below). The majority of deaths occurred…

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How do you treat extravasation of contrast?

How do you treat extravasation of contrast? Consider the following treatment options for contrast extravasation: Try to aspirate the extravasated contrast medium through an inserted needle. Mark affected area. Use compresses, for relieving pain at…

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How do you choose a posterior tooth?

How do you choose a posterior tooth? Factors for selecting the size of the teeth 1. Buccolingual width of posterior teeth 2. Mesiodistal length of posterior teeth 3. Occlusogingival (vertical ) height of the facial…

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Can you lose hearing from ear wax?

Can you lose hearing from ear wax? When too much earwax builds up (gets impacted), it can cause symptoms such as temporary hearing loss. It is more common in older adults. Certain health conditions make…

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Are Japanese maples easy to propagate?

Are Japanese maples easy to propagate? Propagation of Japanese Maple trees is done by seed and by grafting. Seed propagation is fairly simple and can be done at home by anyone. The first thing to…

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Who has more authority local police or Sheriff?

Who has more authority local police or Sheriff? sheriffs However, sheriffs are considered to be a higher authority than the police. Sheriff’s departments enforce the law at the county level. What do local sheriffs do?…

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